Tag Archive | "WalletPop"


I never understood why the anti-business crowd gloats when payday loan stores get shut down, people lose their jobs and a financial option is ended.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself

From Walletpop’s series on payday lending

“Nineteen million Americans use payday loan services a year, with more than 100 million transactions done a year,” says Steven Schlein, the spokesman of the Community of Financial Services Association of America, or CFSA, which is a national organization that (according to its website) promotes “responsible regulation of the payday advance industry and consumer protections.” Schlein says, “There’s obviously a giant demand for our services. If anybody wants to compete with us and come up with something better, God bless them, but let us compete with that.”

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Up, up, up

Walletpop is looking at bank fees.

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Why can’t I be this lucky?

From our friends at Walletpop:

I thought I was lucky when I found a crumpled and forgotten $1 bill in my jeans pocket this week. But not quite as lucky as Gordon Carnese, who discovered a lotto ticket worth $2.6 million in his car’s glove box.

The key to winning the lottery is to play…but to play is stupid because the odds are so astronomically against you.   Quite a conundrum.

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Why didn’t I think of that?

A Massachusetts town is printing its own money. Read about it on Walletpop.

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I’m only scared of spiders and snakes

But this Walletpop story, tells us that credit limits being slashed is pretty scary, too.

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When will “discount” just mean “price”?

Yes, everyone is discounting these days.   See the latest at Walletpop.

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Need a free drink?

US Airways is going back to the future.    Not booze, but soft drinks are again free.  Read about it on Walletpop.

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You think you know money?

Take the Presidents Day currency quiz at Walletpop.

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Net worth of average American drops 20%.

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