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Tell the CFPB Your Payday Advance Story

A direct solicitation from The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says they want to hear from you for the official record! Meaning, payday advance customers! Here’s what Zixta Martinez said in her March 23 blogpost:

Public input is tremendously important to our work at the CFPB. At our January field hearing in Birmingham, we had the opportunity to gather information directly from Alabamans about their experiences with payday loans.

We’d also like to hear from you. The CFPB is inviting public comments for the record. Please take this opportunity to share your thoughts and insights.

Your official comments will help inform how the CFPB works to protect consumers and create a fairer short-term credit marketplace. And to make it easier, you can do it online! Click here to tell the CFPB why a payday advance is an important financial option for you.

You can also watch CFPB Director Cordray’s opening remarks from Birmingham below, or read the transcript of the entire event, including what the Bureau heard from the public.


Posted in Access to Credit, Alabama, Best Practices (Within the Industry), CFPB, Customers, Employees, Financial Reform Bill - CFPB, Industry, Regulation, Richard Cordray0 Comments

CFPB wants your story for their official record

In a blogpost dated last Friday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau put out an announcement asking any and all interested parties to “share your input on payday lending for the official record”.


“Public input is tremendously important to our work at the CFPB. At our January field hearing in Birmingham, we had the opportunity to gather information directly from Alabamans about their experiences with payday loans.

We’d also like to hear from you. The CFPB is inviting public comments for the record. Please take this opportunity to share your thoughts and insights.

Payday loans are typically marketed as a way to get quick cash when you need it. They generally have three features: the loans are for small dollar amounts; borrowers must repay the loans quickly; and the loans require that a borrower give lenders access to repayment through a claim on the borrower’s deposit account.

We heard and learned a lot at the Birmingham forum, and we know that there are many others around the country who may wish to add to the dialogue. Please tell us your experiences!

You can also watch Director Cordray’s opening remarks from Birmingham below, or read the transcript of the entire event, including what we heard from the public.”

Posted in Access to Credit, Best Practices, CFPB, CFSA, Customers, Employees, Industry0 Comments

Video recap of Director Cordray’s remarks at yesterday’s hearing

CFPB Director Richard Cordray speaks on payday loans at yesterday’s field hearing in Birmingham, Alabama.

Posted in Access to Credit, Alabama, Bad Actors, CFPB, Customers, Employees, Payday Lending - CFPB Purview, Richard Cordray1 Comment

In case you missed it…

CFPB Director Richard Cordray’s remarks from yesterday’s field hearing have now been posted onto the #CFPB website. Click here to access the transcript.

A few highlights:

  • “… Let me stress again that this is a field hearing. We came here to listen, to learn, and to gather information on the ground that will help inform our approach to these issues. We are thinking hard about these issues, and we do not have all the answers worked out by any means.”
  • “Whatever their reasons may be for taking out a payday loan, Americans are now borrowing billions of dollars this way. Lenders collect over $7 billion in fees annually.”
  • “… And so I want to be clear about one thing: We recognize the need for emergency credit. At the same time, it is important that these products actually help consumers, rather than harm them.”
  • “In addition to the things we need to learn more about, we know there are some payday lenders engaged in practices that present immediate risk to consumers and are clearly illegal. While we need to learn more about the prevalence of this conduct and what allows it to fester, where we find these practices we will take immediate steps to eliminate them.”

Posted in Access to Credit, Alabama, CFPB, Customers, Employees, Financial Reform Bill - CFPB, Payday Lending - CFPB Purview, Richard Cordray0 Comments

After yesterday’s #CFPB Field Hearing, the Bureau asks for your comments

Ask, and you shall receive. With so many satisfied payday lending customers and employees asking for a forum to provide comments, the Bureau put up a comment section where you can now go to make comments and “Tell Your Story”.

The CFPB wants you to tell them your story: good or bad, about your experience with a payday advance. Your story will help inform how the CFPB works to protect consumers and create a fairer marketplace. By filling out their comments section or even telling your story via their contact form, you are opting in to tell the Bureau why a payday advance is an important financial option for you!

Posted in Access to Credit, CFPB, Customers, Employees, Industry, Payday Lending - CFPB Purview, Richard Cordray0 Comments

Read Kim Gardner’s remarks that were delivered at today’s Field Hearing

Kim Gardner, CEO of Cash USA and member of CFSA’s Board of Directors, delivered her remarks at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) first field hearing in Birmingham, AL which convened to discuss the issue of payday loans. The following are her written comments that were submitted for the record:

Hello, my name is Kim Gardner. I represent a small family-owned financial services business. We are also CFSA members and I represent the small member companies on its Board of Directors. I’ve been in the financial services business for 16 years – 10 of which have been right here in Alabama.

I would like to thank Director Cordray and the staff of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for inviting me to share some insight into the Alabama payday lending market, and for organizing this series of important discussions.

I am proud to be a payday lender. Not everyone can or will turn to a bank or credit union when they are in need of credit. We provide critical access to short-term credit for millions of American families each year through affordable, reliable and transparent services.

Payday loans are simple, clear and easy to understand. Consumers like the product because it’s quick and confidential. Let’s face it; no one wants to borrow money. But when an urgent need comes up before their next payday, our consumers know they can turn to us.

As a member of the Community Financial Services Association of America (CFSA), an organization seeking to ensure consumer confidence in the payday advance industry, my company abides by a strong code of best practices. These best practices offer consumer protections in addition to those required by state and federal law. Measures include a commitment to full disclosure, truth in advertising and fair collection practices and extended repayment plans – which allow consumers more time to repay their loans and no additional cost.

Our services are effectively regulated at the state level. Under the Alabama Deferred Presentment Services Act, payday loans cannot exceed $500, and through a state-managed database, lenders verify a borrower’s outstanding loans do not exceed the $500 limit. Fees are capped, with a term of 10 to 31 days. Loans can only be renewed once. These measures help to ensure that our customers can be successful borrowers – and that’s our primary goal.

Here in Alabama, approximately 1,100 licensed lenders serve thousands of consumers. Loan examiners from the State Banking Department regularly perform examinations for compliance, and the state collects and manages consumer complaints.

In addition to these comprehensive regulations, lenders also comply with a number of federal regulations including the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and the Military Financial Services Protection Act, among others.

As a lender and small business owner, I am committed to operating a viable business. But my employees and I are also dedicated to our customers and communities too. Our success belongs to the consumers we serve, and without offering strong consumer protections, we would not be sustainable.

As storefront lenders, we are part of the neighborhoods we serve and sensitive to the needs and concerns of our customers.

As I have found in our stores – communication is key. You have to get to know the customers in order to know how to serve them.

We contribute to the Alabama economy by providing reliable access to credit, but also by hiring local employees and vendors, renting storefronts and using other local services.

But the core of our business is customer service. We treat our customers with respect and dignity and we always keep their best interests in mind.

We know consumers have options when it comes to short-term credit – whether it’s a payday loan, a bank or credit union overdraft program or a credit card advance. Our job is to make sure they have the information they need to make the best personal and financial decision for their individual situations.

As the CFPB and other federal and state regulators work together to look for the best ways to protect consumers, I urge you to create a regulatory framework that allows consumers to compare financial services and products similarly – regardless of the provider.

It’s my experience that customers are best served when they can quickly and easily compare different credit options. You’ve heard different perspectives on payday lending today. Please come see for yourself. I would like to have you visit some of our stores and meet our employees and customers. Listen to their stories and get a better understanding of our service.

I look forward to continuing to working with the Bureau and others to strike the appropriate balance between regulation and reliable access to a wide variety of financial services, including payday loans.

I am confident the Bureau will come to see payday lending as I do – a valuable and legitimate service, offering consumers a needed short-term credit option with meaningful consumer protections and outstanding customer service.

Posted in Access to Credit, Alabama, Best Practices, Best Practices (Within the Industry), CFSA, Customers, Employees, Industry, Richard Cordray0 Comments

Were you not able to make the hearing?

Don’t worry, we’ve been tweeting live from Birmingham. Go to and follow us! And see our reposts on #Facebook! We even threw in some pictures so you can really see what was going on.

Posted in Access to Credit, Alabama, CFPB, CFSA, Customers, Employees, Financial Reform Bill - CFPB, Raj Date, Richard Cordray0 Comments

Congresswoman Sewell says her constituents need access to short-term credit

Today, Rep. Terri A. Sewell (D-AL) will introduce Director Richard Corday at today’s CFPB hearing in Birmingham. Sewell released a statement, and in it said the following about access to short-term credit.

Here’s an excerpt from her statement released on the wire early this morning:

“Given these challenging economic times, many of my constituents across the 7th Congressional District of Alabama and families across this country rely upon the payday loan industry to satisfy many of their every day needs for short term cash,” said Rep. Sewell. “However, there are some bad actors within this industry that operate outside of the law.  These actions must quickly be addressed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Ultimately, this industry must do a better job of educating and providing more transparency about the products and services that they offer.  It is my hope that the CFPB will create and implement a balanced approach to its regulation of these non bank service providers while punishing the bad actors that only seek to take advantage of our consumers.”

Posted in Access to Credit, Alabama, CFPB, Customers, Employees, Raj Date, Richard Cordray0 Comments

Payday Pundit will be tweeting live in Birmingham, AL tomorrow

Tomorrow at noon, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will be putting on its first field hearing in Birmingham, AL. Tomorrow’s hearing will include testimony from two members of CFSA’s Board of Directors and other industry representatives, customers, and members of the public – all who will provide the CFPB with on-the-ground insight into the payday lending market.

Stay tuned in with us by following us @paydaypundit and watching for #CFPBPaydayHearinginAL


Thursday, January 19, 2012
12:00 p.m. CST/ 1:00 p.m. EST


*New location
Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex
East Ballroom A
2100 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. North
Birmingham, AL 35203


12:00 p.m.
Opening Remarks

Joyce White Vance, U.S. Attorney
U.S. Representative Terri Sewell
Richard Cordray, Director of the CFPB

12:20 p.m.
Expert Testimony
CFPB Staff Participants
Raj Date, Deputy Director of the CFPB (Chair)
Patrice Ficklin, Assistant Director for the Office of Fair Lending and Equal Opportunity
Gail Hillebrand, Associate Director for Consumer Education & Engagement
Peggy Twohig, Assistant Director for the Office of Nonbank Supervision

12:20 p.m.
Panel 1: Consumer Experience with Payday Loans
Shay Farley, Legal Director, Alabama Appleseed
Marcella Roberts, CEO, Building Alabama Reinvestment
Stephen Stetson, Policy Analyst, Alabama Arise
Shirley Worthington, VP of Community Initiatives, United Way of Central Alabama

1:00 p.m.
Panel 2: Industry Perspective on Payday Loans
Kim Gardner, Cash USA
Daryl McMinn, Chief Operations Officer, Listerhill Credit Union
John Owen, Senior Executive Vice President, Head of Consumer Bank, Regions Financial Corp.
Ted Saunders, CEO, Community Choice Financial, Inc.

1:40 p.m.
Public Testimony

Posted in Access to Credit, Alabama, CFPB, CFSA, Customers, Employees, Financial Reform Bill - CFPB, Industry, Payday Lending - CFPB Purview, Raj Date, Richard Cordray0 Comments

Not so inexpensive

Yahoo Finance breaks down rap mogul Russell Simmons’ “RushCard” (a Simmons’ marketed debit card).   They question his marketing claims and the costs of the card.

Posted in Director Nomination, Elizabeth Warren, Employees, Federal Legislation, Financial Reform Bill - CFPB, Industry0 Comments





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