The Payday Pundit just received this regarding our recent post about employees making their voices heard:
Not only are they not answering phones– they are rude when they do!! I emailed the following to Senator yesterday…
Wednesday May 7, 2008
Dear Senator Sawyer-
I called in to your office to ask for your support of HB 545 today. Unfortunately I was met with LAUGHTER from one of your Aides when I stated the reason I was calling.
Imagine my surprise that an Aide to a Senator thinks me losing my job (along with 6000 other Ohioans) is amusing!!Whatever their personal opinion of HB 545 is their business, but I don’t think the appropriate professional response from an Aide is laughter and enjoyment at my expense.
I am truly disgusted.
Casey Maloney
From Ohio senate staffer forgets who pays their salary, 2008/05/08 at 8:15 AM
Not all Senators are like this. I met with Senator Buehrer yesterday during the hearing. He took time out of his day and was very open to my suggestions as to what could be done to regulate our business and still keep us open. Call your Senators , better yet visit them at their office.