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Booming in Wyoming

November 18, 2009 | Wyoming, alternatives, industry | Comments (0)

That would be the pawn shop industry. I’m guessing that people there have a lot of guns to pawn.

Take action

October 1, 2009 | Wyoming, industry | Comments (0)

Submit your comments to this Wisconsin story.

Well said

May 8, 2009 | Associated Press, Wyoming, industry, regulation | Comments (0)

CFSA’s spokesperson Steven Schlein sums up the impact of 36% rate cap in this story out of Wyoming:

‘If they were getting it {a short-term loan} anywhere else, payday lenders wouldn’t be opening as many stores,” said Steven Schlein, a spokesman for the association.

He said the proposed 36-percent cap in effect would outlaw payday loans.

”Which leaves consumers with what?” he said. ”No one else except for pawn shops, where you need to use collateral is going to make them a $300 loan.”

Not that we don’t love pawnshops.