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Another socialist calling for rate caps

March 24, 2009 | Bill Faith, Ohio, Wheeling News Register, employees, media coverage | Comments (1)

From a report on today’s hearing on credit cards:

During the hearing, Democrats floated the idea of setting caps on interest rates. “I think people have had it up to here with financial firms,” Sen. Bernie Sanders, (I., Vt.), said at the hearing. He added that, “One way that we can go forward is putting a cap on interest rates.”

No, the Payday Pundit is not name-calling.   The Senator from Vermont is a self-declared socialist.

A “balanced” approach to payday lending in Ohio?

April 24, 2008 | Ohio, Wheeling News Register, media coverage, positive media coverage, states | Comments (0)

The Wheeling News Register calls for one.   Money quote:

    “….lawmakers need to achieve a reasonable balance between making life more difficult for lenders — and doing the same thing for borrowers.”