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Do they do irony in Arizona?

November 7, 2008 | Arizona, Arizona Daily Star, industry, media coverage, states | Comments (0)

The Arizona Star has a story today about retails stores closing and vacant buildings all over the place.   There are 1000 payday lending stores in the Tucsan area so in a year or so when the payday lending law sunsets, there will be that many more “for rent” signs.

Arizona update:

November 5, 2008 | Arizona, Arizona Daily Star, industry, media coverage, regulation, states | Comments (0)

This article from the Arizona Star is more extensive: 

Industry lobbyists said prior to Tuesday’s vote there is no way to offer short-term, no-collateral loans at that 36 percent annual interest rate. Without a change in the law, they said, the lenders cannot operate in Arizona.
Defeat does not mean the immediate closure of payday- loan stores.  Industry lobbyists could still try to persuade lawmakers between now and July 1, 2010 to allow them to continue to operate.

Making the case in Arizona

September 3, 2008 | Arizona Daily Star, Ohio, industry, media coverage, positive media coverage, regulation, states | Comments (0)

Stan Barnes of Yes of Proposition 200 has a guest piece today in the Arizona Daily Star:

Every day it seems another self- appointed know-it-all with an ax to grind is in the news, blaming payday lending for all of society’s ills and demanding the industry be run out of town before every one of us is beguiled into bankruptcy.
In my 20 years of active civic involvement in Arizona, I have never seen an issue so grossly manipulated by special interests either willfully ignorant of the facts or simply obsessed with their political agenda.
What Sam says about Arizona could be applied to Ohio as well.