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Phony survey

February 23, 2010 | customers, federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

The AARP says seniors overwhelmingly support financial reform.  From that, they extrapolate that this translates into support for the CFPA.

One thing the Payday Pundit learned from his years in politics and campaigns; if you put the word “reform” in any survey, people are for it.

How to choose a payday loan

February 16, 2010 | customers, industry | Comments (0)

Check ‘n Go’s blog has some good advice.


February 16, 2010 | Wisconsin, customers, regulation | Comments (0)

That’s all I can say about this letter in the Sheboygan Press from a  local United Way agency head criticizing the Wisconsin legislation:

Have you gotten the feeling yet that the legislature is trying to take control of how individuals make financial decisions and that they are denying consumer choice by eliminating a viable financial option for individuals who have limited access to credit?I believe the bill infringes on consumer rights and choices, provides for the creation of an unnecessary database of personal financial information and puts a burden on Wisconsin taxpayers and government at a time of fiscal constraints.

Affordable financial advice

February 5, 2010 | customers, industry | Comments (0)

Some new posts over at Check ‘n Go’s blog.

Meet Gerri Guzman

February 5, 2010 | customers, industry | Comments (0)

The new executive director of the Consumer Rights Coalition.


January 21, 2010 | customers, personal finance | Comments (0)

I’m simply answering Walletpop’s question, “Will customers have to say goodbye to free checking?”

Sign the online petition

January 19, 2010 | customers | Comments (0)

Over at the Consumer Rights Coalition website.

Making financial choices

January 15, 2010 | customers, federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

This is rich

January 15, 2010 | Center for Responsible Lending, alternatives, customers, federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

The Justice Department is investigating banks and mortgage lenders that discriminate against minorities.  From today’s New York Times:

The Justice Department is beginning a major campaign against banks and mortgage brokers suspected of discriminating against minority applicants in lending, opening a new front in the Obama administration’s response to the foreclosure crisis.


“They encourage lenders to make risky loans for reasons such as diversity, and then when lenders have a problem because they made too many risky loans, they condemn them for that,” said Ernest Istook, a fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation and a former Republican congressman from Oklahoma.

And I would add, if you don’t discriminate in any respect, such as payday lenders, you are criticized for “targeting.”

Note that a lawyer from the  Center for Responsible Lending has been hired by the Justice Department to pursue this investigation.

The VA Daily Press continues its jihad

December 17, 2009 | Virginia, customers, local issues, regulation | Comments (0)

An editorial writer at this small rag is on his high horse again.   Writers like this put their worldview ahead of the facts, so it’s very difficult to educate them about the demand for short-term loans and the limited choices facing consumers.

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