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February 3, 2010 | ACORN, Herb Sandler, industry | Comments (1)

ProPublica, the Left-wing independent news organization funded by the Sandler Foundation, (yes, Herb and Marion Sandler, the subprime mortgage billionaires) has the audacity to criticize the payday lending industry.   Click here to read about the Sandlers and their connection to ACORN.

Not smart

January 27, 2010 | ACORN, federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

The guy who helped bust ACORN is in trouble:

Alleging a plot to tamper with phones in Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s office in the Hale Boggs Federal Building in downtown New Orleans, the FBI arrested four people Monday, including James O’Keefe, 25, a conservative filmmaker whose undercover videos at ACORN field offices severely damaged the advocacy group’s credibility.

When will people learn to quit while they’re ahead?

Comment of the day

January 25, 2010 | industry critics | Comments (0)

An Iowan describes our Iowa critics, the ICCI:

These people are basically Iowa’s version of ACORN.  They are heavily financed by the SEIU and ACORN.  The specialize in shaking down businesses.  Their group has about 250 hardcore members who are committed enough to show up for a protest.  They are mostly centered in Des Moines.  If you look at their membership it is a “Who’s Who,” list of progressive radicals.

Center for Responsible Lending unhappy

January 15, 2010 | Center for Responsible Lending, federal legislation, industry | Comments (1)

It’s amazing how there is an inverse relationship to CRL’s happiness and mine.   From today’s American Banker:

Mike Calhoun, the president of the Center for Responsible Lending, agreed. “We are skeptical that there is any structure other than a free-standing agency where the consumer regulator is not pressured by the same interests that produced the crisis that we are still trying to get out of.”

This is rich

January 15, 2010 | Center for Responsible Lending, alternatives, customers, federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

The Justice Department is investigating banks and mortgage lenders that discriminate against minorities.  From today’s New York Times:

The Justice Department is beginning a major campaign against banks and mortgage brokers suspected of discriminating against minority applicants in lending, opening a new front in the Obama administration’s response to the foreclosure crisis.


“They encourage lenders to make risky loans for reasons such as diversity, and then when lenders have a problem because they made too many risky loans, they condemn them for that,” said Ernest Istook, a fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation and a former Republican congressman from Oklahoma.

And I would add, if you don’t discriminate in any respect, such as payday lenders, you are criticized for “targeting.”

Note that a lawyer from the  Center for Responsible Lending has been hired by the Justice Department to pursue this investigation.

ACORN probed by feds

December 17, 2009 | ACORN | Comments (3)

GAO to investigate the radical group’s use of federal funds, according to FoxNews.com.

FITSNEWS slams Warren Bolton

December 10, 2009 | South Carolina, Warren Bolton, industry | Comments (0)

In their snarky, sarcastic way (we we love):

We’re pretty sure that Warren Bolton, editorial writer at La Socialista (a.k.a The State newspaper) has a bit of a “bro-mance” going on with left-leaning Columbia, S.C. mayoral candidate Steve Morrison.

Or a “bro-mance” of ideas, anyway.

After all, in administering near-daily journalistic HJ’s to Morrison, Bolton seems to be neglecting the attorney’s connections to an industry that La Socialista loves to hate – payday lending.

The whole thing is funny and informative.

An ACORN comeback?

December 10, 2009 | ACORN, federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

From the American Spectator:

On Tuesday evening the House Appropriations Committee rejected on a party line vote of 9 to 5 an amendment offered by Rep. Tom Latham (R-Iowa) that would have blocked federal funding of the radical advocacy group.

The amendment was needed because the Obama administration thumbed its nose at a provision in spending legislation that banned ACORN funding until the end of next week.

Congress — and possibly Citigroup — may be gearing up to start funding the organized crime syndicate ACORN again. The current federal funding ban expires Dec. 18.

A world without ACORN?

December 2, 2009 | ACORN, industry | Comments (0)

Dare to dream.  Rep. Darrell Issa does.

What’s in a name?

November 30, 2009 | ACORN | Comments (0)

By any other name, ACORN would smell just as corrupt.

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