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Because there’s a need

November 17, 2010 | South Carolina | Comments (1)

Crazy “alternative” newspaper in South Carolina continues jihad against payday lenders:

In January, Columbia City Council toughened up zoning restrictions on new payday lenders and title loan companies, banning them from opening within half a mile of each other and limiting the size of buildings they can occupy.

Ten months later, the law has had little net effect on the number of such businesses in the city. There were 42 lenders in town before the ordinance. After three closings and one opening, and with two applications pending, it seems likely that at year-end there will still be 42 lenders.

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1. Wes Wolfe - November 17, 2010

[sarcasm] Yep, the payday lending industry has much better ethics than the Free Times. [/sarcasm]