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More CFPB staff

November 16, 2010 | CFPB, CFPB Nomination, Elizabeth Warren | Comments (0)

Elizabeth Warren picked a credit card regulator:

Elizabeth Warren, the special White House adviser assigned to set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has selected David Silberman of the Kessler Group to run the unit that will research and write rules for credit cards, according to two people involved in the decision.

Warren has said that among her top priorities is regulating credit-card disclosures, which would affect issuers including JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc.

Silberman manages the insurance business at the Boston-based consulting firm, according to the company’s website. Its clients include the Hartford Life & Accident Insurance Co., the Union Labor Life Insurance Co., and the AFL-CIO. He may be named to the post as early as today, said the people, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the decision isn’t public.

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