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Local meddling

September 30, 2010 | Iowa | Comments (1)

Des Moines thinks keep lenders a half mile apart is the answer to a problem that doesn’t exist.   From the story

Des Moines pawnshops and payday lenders would be prohibited in two business districts and subject to a half-mile separation requirement under new regulations put before the City Council this week.

Restrictions proposed by city staff and Plan and Zoning Commission members include barring pawn and payday loan operations in neighborhood retail and neighborhood pedestrian commercial districts. The businesses would be allowed in eight other business and industrial districts throughout Des Moines.

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1. Commy News Network - September 30, 2010

Gee, that’s a great idea. What could possibly go wrong?
Why should a business think it’s free to operate wherever it wants.

The ruling class looks to paint politically incorrect lenders with the same brush they wiped all over the tobacco industry.