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Tennessee Senators unhappy

September 24, 2010 | Elizabeth Warren, Financial Reform Bill - CFPB, federal legislation | Comments (0)

Legislators don’t like chief executives to go around them.  From the story

“I am writing to express my concern over reports that you plan to appoint an interim head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, circumventing the intent of the legislation passed over the summer which established a confirmation process,” {Senator} Corker wrote. “It is a key responsibility of the U.S. Senate and its committees of jurisdiction to advise and consent and one that I believe was not meant to be abdicated by the Executive Branch’s use of appointments.”


{Senator} Alexander was outraged by Obama’s extra-constitutional activity. “Appointing Elizabeth Warren to oversee this agency, even though she’s not confirmed by the Senate, is just another disturbing trend in this administration of creating unaccountable czars and czarinas,” Alexander said in a statement. “Every administration has had a few, but none at this level, and one of the great complaints of the American people is the lack of checks and balances.”

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