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We made the cut…unfortunately

July 30, 2010 | Montana, Rate Caps, State legislation, states | Comments (4)

More from the lovely state of Montana on Initiative 164 as November 2 approaches.

For all the voters out there, you should know that a 36% rate cap on a two-week payday loan would result in the elimination of an affordable credit option for consumers.   At a 36% APR, the total fee charged on a $100, two-week advance would be $1.38.  Payday lenders could not cover the cost of originating a loan, let alone meeting employee payroll and benefits and other fixed business expenses.  Just saying…

See full article in the Great Falls Tribune here.

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1. Dan - July 30, 2010

Frustrating. Thanks to a generally one-sided media bias and endless “predatory” drumbeat on the payday lending message, these initiatives don’t end well for our industry.

2. Al Eli - July 30, 2010

Hm…another win for the wall street banks and loss for the main street.

3. MayDay Loans - July 31, 2010

Would you lend a stranger $100 for a week, for 69ยข of interest?
Didn’t think so.

4. Jon Schultz - August 7, 2010

The industry should be able to win these rate-cap referendums. I would suggest ads featuring a professor of economics explaining why it is foolish to judge a loan simply by its APR.