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Happy July 4th Weekend

July 1, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments (3)

The Payday Pundit will be taking it easy until Tuesday.  Very light blogging.  (Not that there’s much news anyway.)  Below is a pic of the flag that flew over Ft. McHenry that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the “Star Spangled Banner.”

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1. david - July 7, 2010

when is the vote on financial reform going to happen? and if passes regarding the payday advance go into effect.

2. david - July 12, 2010

please give me todays progress on the financial bill

3. david - July 13, 2010

Since the Bill passed when will it effect us and how exactly is it going to effect our payday loan business? Should we close our doors now or just sit and wait? Someone please give me some input on this. I am sitting here with not a clue as to what is going on except what I read and it hasn’t explained the outcome as far as if they are truly ending our business or just changing the rules and how?