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The path forward

May 19, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

A cloture vote is set for 2pm today.  

If  Majority Leader Reid can hold his entire caucus of 59, it is probably likely that he will get to 60 votes to invoke cloture.

If cloture is invoked, the Senate will proceed to up to 30 hours post-cloture debate, during which time any germane, pending amendments (a very small universe that doesn’t include any anti-payday lending amendments) will have to be disposed of.

We do not expect any controversial amendments, the consideration of which has already been objected to, to get consent to come up in advance of cloture.

Assuming cloture is invoked today, look for the bill to be wrapped up sometime Thursday afternoon, with a final passage vote.  It is unknown whether Chairman Dodd will get unanimous consent to offer a manager’s package, either pre- or post-cloture.  If he gets consent it would likely only encompass non-controversial issues.

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