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To all the media hypocrit(ics)…

March 4, 2010 | Ohio, customers, industry critics, positive media coverage, regulation | Comments (0)

Don’t let the coattails drag!  Robert Nozar’s column in Cleveland’s Sun News this morning reveals the hypocritical nature of the media when it comes to payday lending:

Part of the answer to that question lies with the fact that there are members of the media who willingly hold the coats of those politicians so engaged in the battle to cast an unneeded and unwanted presence in those lives.

While those very same columnists and commentators would take issue with government intrusion in other areas, they are very willing to prod, cheer on and otherwise abet paternalistic politicians when their own senses of morality are challenged by that which they find distasteful.

Payday loans are one such “egregious” infringement on the “morality” of those who would presume to speak for the masses.

Never mind that those who object have never needed a payday loan themselves, and likely have never heard a legitimate complaint about a payday loan from a person who has taken out such a loan.

Dear media, please stop trying to control other peoples’ lives on something with which you have no experience.

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