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March 1, 2010 | Missouri, customers, industry | Comments (1)

St.  Joenews.com says this in an editorial today:

Defenders of the payday loan business in Missouri are partly right: There is a market demand for quick access to small loans that can be obtained with minimal hassle.

The editors are partly right, we’re 100% right.

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1. Gabriel Rodriguez - March 1, 2010

Whatever happened to quality writing, or editorials with substance and reflection? It seems like most writers today get away with less revisions (or apparently NONE in some cases) than a 6th grade book-report.

After mentioning that defenders of the payday loan industry are “partly” right, I clicked the link eager to read on and see where we are partly “wrong”…. of course the writer never references that. Even in 6th grade that would be a red-slash and a frownie face sticker for making a statement and NEVER BACKING IT UP with relevant info or a quote.