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Another opinion on Dodd retirement

January 11, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

From the liberal Noozhawk news site:

Does Dodd’s pullout from the race free him from liberals demanding that he hang tough on plans to reform Wall Street? Or does it free him from doing the business of the fat cats, under whose Spindletop of gushing millions he’s held many a campaign bucket?

An optimist, I’m going to predict the latter. Dodd has always been the affable type, although often prone to making bad judgments. Who can forget his decision to relocate the family to Des Moines as a means of currying favor with presidential caucus voters in Iowa? Such a spectacular act of taking an electorate for granted has rarely been equaled.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the dynamics of passing financial regulatory reform are the same as before Dodd’s announcement.

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