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You mean regulation made things worse?

November 16, 2009 | alternatives, federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

From CreditCardGuide.com:

Worst Terms First Fall Out of Credit Card Reforms

By Eva Maria Norlyk

Most pundits saw it coming: a wave of frenzy as credit issuers scramble to get their ducks lined up before the new provisions called for in the CARD Act of 2009 kick in.

Once the provisions of the new law steps into effect in August of 2010, card issuers will no longer be able to raise interest rates retroactively on existing credit card balances. In response, card issuers are doing one of two things, according to The U.S. News and World Report: Many card issuers are simply raising interest rates before the new law steps into effect. In addition, card issuers are switching many of their fixed-rate credit cards over to variable cards. This will allow them to take advantage of a loophole in the law, which continues to allow interest rate changes on cards with variable interest rates.

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