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“…trying to find a way to survive.”

May 20, 2009 | COHHIO, Ohio, industry | Comments (1)

That’s Jeff Kursman, spokesperson for Check ‘n Go, explaining to a newspaper the situation in Ohio.

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1. Darren - May 21, 2009

Bill Faith the guy in this article also said that Ohio wouldnt lose jobs if issue 5 passed because the payday lenders would and should start doing loans under new laws……Now he wants those loopholes shut…hmmmmmmmmm…..Alot of polititians voted for the rate cap because they were assured that jobs wouldnt be lost because of the alternative loan products.Now what, you told the lenders and the employees that there would be alternatives and now you want to take them away as well?MEAN while banks in Ohio are doing cash advances at a higher rate and not a word from the media or Mr.Faith…they know where there bread is buttered…….