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Comment of the Day

March 10, 2009 | Uncategorized | Comments (2)

A reader takes the Payday Pundit to task for taking glee in the fact that the Cleveland Plain Dealer may close:

Even if they are a critic of our industry, in this economy its NEVER good to be happy that a business is closing. Dont get me wrong, I hate their publication, but I am saddened to hear that there may be more people losing jobs in Ohio.

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1. Glenn - March 10, 2009

The writers at the Cleveland Plain Liar have made job elimination their mission. I do not like to see people lose their jobs either, but in this case the state will be a better place without them. I hope they all find jobs where they can earn a living without menacing society.

2. Mayday Loans - March 10, 2009

Ding dong the…………..