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This annoys me

February 26, 2009 | Ohio, industry, media coverage, regulation | Comments (2)

The Payday Pundit can’t stand it when politicians throw out words like “reasonable” or “sensible” which puts anyone who disagrees with them automatically outside the mainstream.  It’s pure demagoguery.

In this case the culprit is Ohio State Senator John Carey calling for “reasonable” regulations on payday loans.

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1. Chris - February 26, 2009

Didn’t Ohio already do away with payday loans?

2. Gov't critic - March 1, 2009

yes, but there are small loans. The gov’t isnt happy that they werent able to push us all to the unemployment line. So now they are going to try to close all the”loopholes” in the laws. They can’t leave well enough alone. I hope they plan on paying for my medical bills that I will incure with the stress related heart attack