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A used Nintendo for Christmas

December 19, 2008 | alternatives, industry, personal finance | Comments (0)

Christmas shopping at the pawnshop might be a good idea:

This time of year, we wouldn’t have Playstation 3s, Wii, XBox 360s, Nintendo DS and PSP, we’d be out of everything,” said Joel Lewin.

Some have suggested that pawn shops could benefit this year as cash-strapped customers seek out bargains that can only be found at their stores.

Instead, pawnbrokers like Lewin are finding customers coming in to sell, not buy. As a result, a Nintendo Wii that sells new for $250 can be had used with three extra game discs that sell for $30 to $50 each thrown in for $225. Still, there have been no takers. When FOX 4 stopped by, George’s Pawn Shop only had one Wii. So, if you’re interested, you may want to call ahead first.

Wii bowling is one of the best video games ever.  The Payday Pundit bowled a 191 over Thanksgiving but was beaten by his 13-year old nephew who bowled a 211 and the Pundit’s 78-year old father who bowled a 205. 


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