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“It’s not right…it’s not fair.”

November 6, 2008 | Ohio, customers | Comments (2)

That’s what a payday lending customer told a local Ohio television station regarding passage of Issue 5. 

Why don’t all you site pests who think passage of Issue 5 is great talk to payday lending customers instead of fellow crazies? 

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1. Jeff - November 6, 2008

So people who disagree with you are now site pests? Very nice.

I’ve talked to many payday lending customers. Frankly, I would never have cared about payday lending if it wasn’t for all of the payday customers whom I’ve talked to about the debt trap that payday lending causes.

You guys spent about $11 for every vote you got. We spent about 17 cents per vote. Frankly, I’m looking forward to your next move in Ohio. Hopefully you decide to sink another $20 million into an effort that will get you about 34% of the vote.

2. Chris - November 6, 2008

Just as you target the impoverished and the needy Jeff, i will target bills that supplicate your overflowing pockets. why don’t you pass some of that wealth around since your so quick to snatch it up and dangle it in front of peoples faces.