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Guvs for the nanny state

October 31, 2008 | Ohio, media coverage, states | Comments (2)

From today’s Lancaster (OH) Eagle Gazette:

Former governors John Gilligan, Richard Celeste, George Voinovich and Bob Taft released a statement Thursday supporting the cap. They say payday lending undermines savings and investments, siphons dollars from more essential services and puts a burden on local food banks and social services.

The Payday Pundit has no idea if these were popular governors or not, but I get a stronger sense now why Ohio’s economy is one of the worst in the country’s.  It’s suffered under these guys for last several years.

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1. tom - October 31, 2008

Where is the FAITH?
We’ve all been wondering in the past if Bill Faith and his Coalition in OHIO spends all their money on payroll. Apparently this is so. No matter which way issue five rolls next week, Bill is not worried, he still gets paid. If if fails, I go bankrupt. Way to go Bill, I have not heard your name or seen your coalition spend anything to speak of in support of issue five. Believe me, I thank you for this!

2. Charley - October 31, 2008

John Gilligan served for one term, he was voted out of office in 1974. He has not won a statewide election since 1970.

Richard Celeste served two terms. He has lived out of state for the last 15 years.

Bob Taft left office with an approval rating in the teens (he recorded the lowest approval rating of any Governor in Gallup history). During his second term he was convicted of four misdemeanors for failure to report gifts.