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Obama and payday lending industry up in Ohio?

October 30, 2008 | Ohio, industry, media coverage, regulation | Comments (3)

That’s what this story says. 

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1. Chris F - October 30, 2008

It is kind of funny that Obama is leading his poll and our industry is leading our poll since a vote for Mr. Obama is a vote for his platform of eliminating payday loans. Maybe someone in his camp should listen to masses and not the “checkbooks”.

2. Terry - October 30, 2008

I voted YES on Issue 5 and YES on Obama. If the Issue fails, Obama will establish a federal law against Payday lending. Either way, you losers are gone!!! LOL!

3. Payday Pundit - October 30, 2008

I predict Terry’s little nanny-state heart will be broken on Nov. 4th.