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OH, AZ initiatives get national attention

October 28, 2008 | COHHIO, Wall Street Journal, industry, industry critics, media coverage, regulation | Comments (0)

Even the Wall Street Journal is now writing about the Ohio and Arizizona ballot initiatives: 

Now payday lenders are fighting back with the ballot measures. They are pouring $30 million into initiatives that will be on the Nov. 4 ballot in Arizona and Ohio, where payday-lending branches outnumber Starbucks and McDonald’s outlets combined. The two states have laws that kicked in this year that cap annual interest rates at 36% and 28%, respectively, effectively outlawing payday lenders, which have a business model that depends on average annual rates of 391%.

“Most people think eliminating a credit option in a time of credit crisis is a bad idea,” said Stan Barnes, chairman of Yes on 200, a political-action committee that is championing the Arizona ballot initiative. Yes on 200 is financed by the local affiliate of the Community Financial Services Association, a national payday-lending group.

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