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Updated Ohio story

September 24, 2008 | Columbus Dispatch, Ohio, industry, media coverage, regulation, states | Comments (1)

Nobody panic.   The Payday Pundit has taken the pulse of the situation and people on the ground in Ohio are optimistic about things.  Here’s the story

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1. DT - September 24, 2008

I wonder what the politicians of Ohio,some of which did a complete 360 in about a five day period on this issue are saying now?This is going to make the ballot and more people are saying this could get overturned.Bill Faith is not very popular right now with the politicians he duped them into thinking this law was needed.They should have looked at the facts,less than 10 consumer complaints a year in Ohio about payday lending filed,also the independant studies by the federal reserve,econmists,and the thousands upon thousands of phone calls letters and emails they recieved.Instead they listen to bloggers and a few people that didnt use the product properly.So with that information in hand the politicians of this state decided to scrap 6000 jobs and take away peoples financial freedom and choices.Thank goodness Ted Strickland our czar in Ohio had the answer to the economic woes……Thats right……KENO. What kind of leaders do we have in this state?How did they get elected?The finger pointing in this state right now is at the payday lending indusrty but when this gets overturned where will the fingers point?At a floundering Gov,House reps who didnt listen to the facts,A biased media who made mountains out of mole hills,No my guess is the fingers will all be pointed at Mr.misinformation himself Bill Faith and even though it should be shared,THATS A GOOD START.