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Who says you can’t have it all?

September 23, 2008 | alternatives, customers, industry | Comments (0)

Well, this columnist at Canada’s National Post, that’s who.   She says old people have better values when it comes to managing money than young people.  From the piece:

Some people systematically saved all year to get ready for Christmas. Would-be college students often worked for several years after high school to accumulate an educational nest egg. Marriage was postponed until a career was well-enough established that there was money in the bank. Consumer credit was used carefully, with credit card balance always paid in full to avoid interest. We took on huge debts to buy our homes, but never committed to mortgage payments higher than a third of our incomes, and with at least a 10% payment.

The Payday Pundit isn’t buying it.   People did those things listed above out of need, not because they had better values.   

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