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The “Big Brother” ad

September 23, 2008 | COHHIO, Columbus Dispatch, Ohio, customers, industry, industry critics, media coverage, states | Comments (1)

Here’s the Columbus Dispatch’s take on Ohioans For Finanical Freedom’s new ad.

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1. darren - September 23, 2008

cant anyone give some credit?These commercials work.Just shows how nobody wants the government to tell them how to spend there money.Thats one of the most basic freedoms,along with freedom to worship the religon of your choice,and freedom of speach.This is bigger than the product ,which I think is great,but this issue 5 is all about our freedoms and how all americans must fight to protect them.The politicians in this case were wrong on both sides dems and republicans.Come November 4th we must show these guys that ohioans will stand up and fight against socialism,and that government is put in place to do the will of the people.The government of Ohio is got to get a reality check from its people and this is our chance.NO ON 5