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Hot off the press

September 19, 2008 | COHHIO, Ohio, industry, industry critics, states | Comments (0)

For immediate release:

Friday, September 19, 2008



Statement on Issue 5 Signature Status and Settlement


Attribute to Kim Norris, Ohioans For Financial Freedom spokesperson:


“We are committed to preserving financial options for hard-working Ohioans. Should our effort fall short in terms of signatures, rest assured we will work hard to file supplemental signatures as allowed by law.


While we disagree with our opponents on many fronts, we agree with them that the people’s right to vote is too sacred to be undermined by those who fail to comply with state regulations.  We will not tolerate anything less than strict compliance.  


In this instance, Arno Political Consultants has not provided evidence to either the Committee or the Secretary of State that the company properly filed a Form 15.  We would rather lose the signatures collected by this company than compromise the efforts of hundreds of other dutiful circulators. We are continuing to move forward asking Voters to Say No on Issue 5 to preserve their financial choices.”




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