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Fun comments

September 8, 2008 | industry | Comments (6)

Do you really think Ohioans will vote to keep payday lenders in business. HB545 will be upheld by a landslide. Get a reality check!    — Susie


I think the one that needs a reality check is you. The ignorance of people like you is AMAZING. I for one believe it will be voted in our favor, I also disagree with you with being a landslide. I think it will be a close race either way. So get your head out of your butt and let the facts of the Nov 4th voting prove you wrong and shut your mouth for good.

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1. Susie - September 8, 2008

Ignorant! Childish remarks! Just what we expect from legal loan sharks.

Come to Ohio. Travel around. Ask people about payday lending. No one likes you. We can’t wait for you to get out. Thank you, Governor Strickland. Vote Yes on Issue 5!

2. Susie - September 8, 2008

If this silly referendum does pass, the governor and legislators have already started working on a new bill to shut you down for good. You will never win! Give up and get out loan sharks!

I’m sure you will delete this comment as well because you can’t face the truth.

3. DT - September 8, 2008

Hey susie 422,000 signatures say other wise.Thats in Ohio from 44 different counties.Hey I believe your passionate about this issue your just wrong!!!THATS ALL dont be a puppet use your own mind and consider these things called FACTS!!Govenor Strickland calls payday lending usry but hammers through another state funded gambling game KENO to be placed in bars around the state he says it will raise almost 300 million for the state,but your thanking him.We provide emegancy cash to moderate income familys.Whats Keno provide?Know the people you support you might be surprised by there stances learn more about the payday lending industry and you might be surprised from all the misleading information you’ve shaped your opinion with.Our states economy is floundering and Strickland is wanting force out another 6000 jobs.thats why companies arent leaving Ohio for India anymore,there leaving Ohio and going to Indiana.Thanks TED?????????WAKE UP LITTLE SNOOZIE

4. j.d. - September 8, 2008

How does Keno Teds approval rating seem to keep going up! What has he done to improve the lifes of the people of the state of Ohio! Unemployment is the highest it has been in 20 years! He is currently trying to force out another 6000 jobs. I don’t get. What is preditorial? Lending to moderate income families trying to survive paycheck to paycheck, or sticking Keno in bars around drunks!!

5. Glenn - September 8, 2008

Customers come into our store ask to sign the petition – I have no need to push it. The main reason is they want to sign the petition is they are concerned about someone else telling them how to conduct their affairs. Many of these people are registering to vote for the first time just to support payday lending. I think writing payday lending off now is a bit premature; especially for someone who only knows people who never need a payday loan and look down on those who do.

6. Kate - September 8, 2008

Uhhhh Susie Q– get a grip!! ” Do you really think Ohioans will vote to keep payday lenders in business. HB545 will be upheld by a landslide. Get a reality check! — Susie”

Do you have anything of value to add to this discussion? Apparently not! HB 545 will be voted down since Ohioans understand thaat they control their finances, not the Ohio General Assembly!!