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I guess they didn’t listen

September 5, 2008 | Ohio, industry, regulation, states | Comments (3)

This excerpt from a church bulletin was sent to us by a payday lending supporter in Ohio upset that his church was interfering with his right to make his own financial choice:

Payday Lending Reform

The national payday lobby was granted the go-ahead by Ohio’s
Attorney General to start circulating petitions in support of a
referendum to rescind the reform law recently passed by the
Ohio Legislature (HB 545). In the teachings of our faith we have
many warnings about usury and exploitation of people. HB 545
established needed reform. The Diocesan Social Action Office
is discouraging parishioners from signing the petitions
circulated by the industry. The reform of payday lending was a
hard fought struggle that resulted in one ofthe strongest bills in
the nation. Advise your family and friends that HB 545
provided the necessary reform, as well as safeguards, for those
needing short term, en1ergency loans.

400,000+ citizens of Ohio decided to think for themselves and sign the petitions.

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1. Chris - September 5, 2008

the wording of this bulletin looks as though it came from the Toledo Diocese who are attempting deflect any negative attention (priest murder, priest sexual abuse) off of themselves.

i am not catholic, nor is my wife, however she works for the Toledo Diocese and they have made her sit through demeaning workshops called “bridges out of poverty” that compare those of us in the payday loan industry to drug dealers and organized crime. no joke!

it’s called “wag the dog”

my church is (in my opinion) doing the right thing by not taking a stance at all, or maybe they are, my minister has simply told me that what people do is their own business.

2. Susie - September 6, 2008

Do you really think Ohioans will vote to keep payday lenders in business. HB545 will be upheld by a landslide. Get a reality check!

3. Aurther's critic - September 7, 2008


I think the one that needs a reality check is you. The ignorance of people like you is AMAZING. I for one believe it will be voted in our favor, I also disagree with you with being a landslide. I think it will be a close race either way. So get your head out of your butt and let the facts of the Nov 4th voting prove you wrong and shut your mouth for good.