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Ohioans for Financial Freedom: Bill Faith should stop lies, disclose funding

August 22, 2008 | Bill Faith, COHHIO, Ohio, industry, industry critics, regulation, states | Comments (0)

Here’s the hot off the press news release:

Committee Says Bill Faith Should Stop Perpetuation of Lies

Disclose Spending


Columbus― The Committee of Ohioans For Financial Freedom today responded to Bill Faith’s ongoing efforts to confuse Ohio voters. 


“We have fully investigated these bogus allegations and yet Mr. Faith continues to perpetuate lies – especially about Butler County where we have documented evidence from the Secretary of State and Butler County Board of Elections, that our circulators were NOT there,” said Kim Norris spokesperson for Ohioans For Financial Freedom. “Rather than perpetuate lies, the public would be better served by knowing who is paying for Bill Faith’s campaign – he should report where the money is coming from.”


The Committee investigated this allegation of two homeless individuals allegedly being paid $1.00 for their signatures and found it to be completely false, and asked Bill Faith to immediately retract this false allegation, and any references to it on his website or any other website maintained by his organizations.


The Committee did not obtain the Attorney General’s certification of its summary of the law to be referred until late in the day on July 10, 2008.  Circulation of the Committee’s referendum petition did not begin until July 12, 2008.  It is impossible for either Mr. Schirmer or Ms. Smithers to have signed the Committee’s referendum petition in June, let alone to have been paid for doing so.

The Committee was required to collect at least 1,000 signatures for each of its three preliminary petitions submitted to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General for their certifications, all of which were submitted to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General on June 9, 25, and 27, 2008.  The Committee reviewed the signatures collected for these preliminary petition efforts, and discovered that no signatures from Butler County were collected for any of these three preliminary petitions. This is consistent with the Secretary of State’s certifications for the Committee’s three preliminary petitions, all of which indicate that no signatures were submitted from Butler County for any of the preliminary petitions.  So, neither Mr. Schirmer nor Ms. Smithers signed any of the Committee’s preliminary referendum petitions.

Also, the Committee has reviewed all of the part-petitions and signatures collected thus far from Butler County and neither Mr. Schirmer’s nor Ms. Smithers’ signature appears on any of the Committee’s part-petitions, at least through August 12, 2008, the date this allegation was made.

Ohioans For Financial Freedom is currently circulating petitions in Ohio with summary language approved by the Attorney General. It:

Repealing Section 3 of H.B. 545 means protecting 6,000 good-paying jobs with benefits, protecting Ohioans’ financial freedom and protecting consumers’ rights to privacy about their personal financial choices.        



(The Payday Pundit:  If any of our readers know where Bill Faith and Ohio’s anti-payday lending crowd gets its money, please email us.  The reporters in Ohio won’t do their jobs, so we’ll have to do it for them.) 



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