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More unfounded allegations in Ohio

August 15, 2008 | Ohio | Comments (1)

According to this story,

A letter has been sent to Bill Faith, executive director of the Coalition on Homeless and Housing in Ohio, seeking evidence of alleged election law violations. The letter reads:

“Vague allegations of election law violations serve only to undermine the entire electoral process,” he wrote.

Kim Norris, spokeswoman for Ohioans for Financial Freedom, said the hundreds of circulators around the state have been extensively trained. She added, “If anyone has any actual evidence that something was said incorrectly, we ask that the circulator’s name be obtained, and we will take swift action to investigate and remove the employee if necessary.”

So…let’s see it…where is the evidence?

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1. Marty - August 15, 2008

It’s been three days since a radio station got two more circulators on tape lying and he got their names. More evidence.

And more silence on the part of the lenders.

Here’s the link:
