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Strip club spokeswoman leading charge against payday lenders in Ohio

August 13, 2008 | Bill Faith, COHHIO, Columbus Dispatch, Ohio, customers, employees, industry, industry critics, media coverage, regulation, states | Comments (2)

Last year, Sandy Thies was the spokesman for a strip club referendum in Ohio, according to this story.  In that capacity, she defended the industry against charges that petition gatherers were not telling the truth.   Now she’s out there accusing RejectHB545 petition gathers of being misleading.   Can she be taken seriously? 

Update:  We were just informed that Sandy is a female.   Note the pronoun changes.

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1. Jon Schultz - August 13, 2008

Sandy Theis is a woman, and why criticize her for representing strip clubs which are legal businesses? What she should be criticized for is saying “We want the people who are paying for this effort to knock it off,” as if Ohioans for Financial Freedom told the petitioners to misrepresent the ballot initiative. She hasn’t presented any evidence of that.

2. DARREN - August 13, 2008

they are getting worried in Ohio because nobody wanted to ban these loans to begin with there was no public out cry for regulation.The commercials are working and people are starting to question why this is being done