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NPR debate on payday lending

August 13, 2008 | NPR, industry, media coverage, personal finance, regulation | Comments (2)

Click on this link and then the audio link to listen to a 12-minute debate NPR had yesterday about payday loans and minority communities.  Niger Innis of the Congress on Racial Equality defended the industry and empasized the need for consumer choice.   I think any objective listener will agree that he won the debate hands down.   

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1. Blaids - August 19, 2008

why was my response deleted?

2. Payday Pundit - August 19, 2008

Please remember, this is our blog, we decide the content. We approve many comments that are critical of the payday lending industry, but we didn’t like yours. I believe it was only the fourth or fifth comment that we’ve ever deleted.