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15 customers per hour at a pawnshop in Miss.

August 11, 2008 | Mississippi, alternatives, industry, states | Comments (0)

Wow.  More from this story about the pawnshop boom:  

The gas prices also are affecting the makeup of Kidd’s customer base. He been noticing a wider assortment of customers as gas has gotten closer to $4 per gallon. ”We see different people from all walks of life, all classes, all income brackets,” he said. “Anybody can wake up and find themselves tight.”

Most people cite the need to fill up their tank as the reason for their pawn, Kidd said. His average loan is $75, in line with the national average.

 The average loan is $75?  The average payday loan is $325, more than four times that.  Obviously, both pawnshops and payday lenders fill different needs for different situations.  

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