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The Richmond Times-Dispatch is not sorry

August 1, 2008 | Virginia, media coverage | Comments (0)

Following up on their story about lobbyist spending in Virgina, the Richmond Times-Dispatch released an editorial that breezily balanced our right to free speech with politicians’ right to eliminate jobs and limit choice:

Industries and groups that fear their profits and interests are under threat will work to defend themselves. We supported curbs on predatory lending. We recognize the restrictions we embraced would have affected the lenders’ bottom lines. We still believe the practice offends. And we recognize the lenders’ right to lobby on the other side.

Saying the restrictions would have “affected the lenders’ bottom lines” is, perhaps, the understatement of the week.  But Payday Pundit can’t begrudge them that — after all, they admitted lenders had a right to fight for their businesses and their employees’ jobs.  So good on you, Times-Dispatch.  Thanks for not passing moral judgement on people’s struggle to hang on to their livelihood.

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