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Simon Barrett taking a look at South Carolina

May 29, 2008 | Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Simon Barrett of the Blogger News Network is taking at look at legislative wrangling on payday loans in South Carolina.  Barrett has been covering the issue in Ohio.

As a writer I occasionally have the (dis)pleasure to have to enter into their sleazy world. The latest ‘toe-dip’ involves the subject of Payday Loans, a subject that our elected ‘experts’ have deemed a wicked industry in Ohio. It mattered not that some 30,000 letters were sent to them from consumers, nor that 6,000 jobs would be lost. Our elected ‘intelligentsia’ decided to ignore the voters, and just do what they wanted. Of course there will be a come back, and that likely will happen in the next election. (here is a hint to anyone running in Ohio, tell the people you will bring back Payday Loans and you will be a shoe in!)

The battleground has now moved into South Carolina. Last weekend I contacted South Carolina Senator Joel Lourie asking if he would be interested in an interview. “Sure Thing” the senator told me. Of course it was not as easy as that, the following day I received an email from Senator Lourie’s chief flunky asking me who I was and what I wanted. Being the nice guy that I am, I explained that I wished to interview the esteemed senator. No doubt the chief flunky Googled me and didn’t care for the articles that I had written.

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