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Roll Call of Today’s Ohio Senate Vote

May 14, 2008 | Uncategorized | Comments (2)

Constituents represented by Senators Buehrer, Mumper, Schuler and Seitz should be proud that their elected officials stood up for the 6,000 employees of the industry and the consumers who appreciate having credit options.

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1. dt - May 14, 2008

It’s a sad day the bad guys won and for all the wrong reasons,this was all political and not anything to do with advacates or views of usry this was just plain old can I get an atta boy from gov Ted!The republicans of this state and we know who they are must be stopped at all costs.Starting with house wanna be big shot Chris Widner who forgot his base and stabbaed people who supported him in the back and for that he will have a big hill to climb getting in the senate he must be stopped.Next the guy who sold us down the river because he thinks it will make dems like him more John Husted,Finally my personal thorn in which I will do everything in my power to put out of the senate Senator Cates of West Chester this guy is a miss guided uninformed loser and it’s time to call him out he’s on borrowed time in the senate and he will realize that when you mess with lives and lively hoods there are costs to pay and votes to lose I only promote voting these guys out I wish them no ill will,but it’s time to hit these bast**** where it hurts at the voter booth fight on dt

2. Connie - May 15, 2008

DT, you must learn to speak your mind. I read this comment and laugh because I knew exactly who wrote it. We will continue the fight, if not in our stores through our votes.