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Payday lenders “target” everyone

February 28, 2008 | Business Week, customers, industry, media coverage, research | Comments (0)

A new study says that payday lenders locate in communities with large Christian conservative populations. This on the heels of  prior allegations that payday lenders locate in communities with high populations of minorities, women, immigrants, the elderly, the poor, the middle-class and now conservative Christians. A recent BusinessWeek article even said payday lenders are now targeting more affluent neighborhoods.

Who’s left? This is preposterous.  

The only thing payday loan customers have in common is that they all have steady sources of income and bank accounts and sometimes have unexpected or unbudgeted expenses that require cash between paychecks.

While critics of the industry assign labels to payday lending customers in an attempt to further their political agendas, the fact is that payday lenders provide services to a broad cross section of Americans because there is a broad demand for the financial service provided. Payday lending customers represent a broad demographic segment and cannot be grouped based on race, sex or religion.

Full CFSA press release 

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