Archive | positive media coverage

Happy customers

An payday lending employee defends short-term credit in a New Hampshire newspaper.

Our New Hampshire stores – and other similar lenders – closed in 2009 after the Legislature passed regulations that made it impossible to operate. We helped tens of thousands of people overcome temporary financial shortfalls. And yet, among the many customers we served in the last half-dozen years, fewer than five of them filed complaints.

Posted in New Hampshire, positive media coverage, State legislation0 Comments

Credit “options abound” in Illinois

That’s the theme of this well-written and balanced story in the Courier News:

Well, if you’re in the neighborhood of McLean Boulevard and Big Timber Road, you’re in luck. Right at the corner is a gigantic PLS payday loan store that will lend you a few hundred bucks pretty easily — if you don’t mind an interest rate that Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s office describes as “legalized loan sharking.”If PLS rejects you, a block down the street along McLean you’ll find a smaller payday loan store called Fast Cash In A Flash. Right next door to that you can trade your wedding ring for cash at Marelli’s Gold Exchange. And right across the street from those two is Elgin’s first and only pawn shop, Windy City Jewelry & Loan, where you can borrow anywhere from $50 to $63,000 by leaving that wedding ring, or maybe your high school clarinet, as collateral.

Posted in CFPB, CFPB Nomination, Financial Reform Bill - CFPB, Illinois, industry, positive media coverage0 Comments

Consumer victory

A spokesman for Community Financial Services Association of America, the national association of payday lenders, chimes in on issues in Kentucky today.

Kentucky consumers value choice. Whether it’s what brand of soft drink to buy, or what model car to drive, Kentuckians want the right to make their own decisions for their own reasons.

At its heart, that is what the battle over payday lending is about, the consumers’ right to choose which financial products are best for them and their individual circumstances.

Posted in industry, Kentucky, Lexington Herald Leader, positive media coverage, regulation, State legislation0 Comments

Squeaky wheel

Ever heard the old saying “the squeaky wheel gets the grease?” It’s true a lot of times, as one payday lending executive notes in a Texas op-ed piece.

Many critics of our industry don’t use the product and cannot adequately speak for our customers.

Posted in industry, positive media coverage, State legislation, Texas0 Comments


A guest commentary in Missouri explains the downside to banning payday loans.

Eliminating Missouri’s short-term lending industry would do away with an estimated 10,000 jobs with $378 million in wages, $147 million in tax revenue and an estimated $20 million in annual lease payments for the more than 1,000 storefronts that would empty under the 36 percent annual percentage rate cap advocated by Ms. Whitesides.

Posted in Missouri, positive media coverage0 Comments

Setting the record straight

QC Holding’s Tom Linafelt responds to negative coverage in the Columbia Missourian

Research shows that most borrowers understand how much their loans cost and pro-actively choose to borrow instead of their other, real-world options. Most borrowers meet their payback obligations and use the product responsibly, as a short-term solution.


Eliminating short-term lending would hurt Missouri and its communities and devastate families who depend on jobs and important, money-saving credit options supported by the industry.

That’s what I’m talking about!

Posted in positive media coverage0 Comments

That’s fighting back

United Payday Lenders in Missouri take issue with a recent Columbia Daily Tribune column:

By ignoring facts and disregarding the tens of thousands of Missourians who borrow responsibly and use payday loans to avoid less desirable options, Hank Waters’ March 14 column did your readers a disservice.


By imposing a 36 percent APR cap, HB 132 would absolutely eliminate the small-loan industry in Missouri, leaving consumers to bounce more checks and incur more late-payment penalty fees. Under such a cap, lenders could charge only $1.38 for a two-week loan of $100. Research shows it costs lenders $13.89 to make such a loan.

Posted in CFPB, Missouri, positive media coverage0 Comments

New Hampshire debate continues

A state senator in New Hampshire wrote an op-ed this weekend explaining her effort to create a short-term lending product in the state.

… When working families find themselves in need of short-term credit to address these needs, our state laws do not allow for a safe, viable option – in many cases, forcing consumers to turn to costly and unregulated products.

Posted in New Hampshire, positive media coverage, State legislation0 Comments


A letter to the editor challenges The Clarion-Ledger on its attacks on payday lending. Good read.

Can someone please explain how it is “entrapment” to offer loans to walk-in customers at rates that are posted on the wall with signs literally six-feet tall?

Posted in local issues, Mississippi, positive media coverage, State legislation0 Comments

Hitting the nail on the head

A columnist from Missouri makes a good point with regards to payday loan legislation.

There are people who will tell you payday loan businesses prey upon the financially weak of our society.

What those folks won’t tell you is where Missourians would turn for short-term financial help if payday loan businesses did not exist in our state. And that’s a big problem.

If the world was perfect, we’d all be good with money. We’d all find jobs that pay a decent wage, then live within our means, pay our bills on time, put some money away for a rainy day. Too bad that’s not the way life works for every person.

Posted in Missouri, positive media coverage2 Comments





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