Archive | March, 2009

Comment of the Day

The crusade against payday lending is becoming eerily reminiscent of the Salem witch hunts.

Soon they’ll be saying that the Payday Pundit is the Devil!

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Consumer Rights Coalition

New coalition dedicated to protecting the rights of consumers.

Consumer Rights Coalition


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Press release from office of Rep. Luis Gutierrez

Read the full release

On Thursday, U.S. Representative Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions, will hold a hearing to discuss much-debated legislation that would restrict unscrupulous payday lending practices.

The Payday Loan Reform Act (H.R. 1214) outlines solid consumer protections for 23 states that have weak or even nonexistent consumer protections from abusive lenders. The bill focuses on the two major concerns with regard to payday loans:  the fees charged and the “cycle of debt” that occurs when consumers are not able to immediately repay their loans.

Posted in federal legislation, industry, regulation0 Comments

Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Hearing

Details on Thursday’s hearing:


Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Hearing


 H.R. 1214, the Payday Loan Reform Act of 2009


Thursday, April 2, 2009, 2:30 p.m., 2128 Rayburn House Office Building

FI and Consumer Credit


Watch the Live Webcast

Posted in federal legislation, industry, regulation0 Comments

Urge your U.S. Senators to protect consumer credit options!

take action

Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) has introduced Senate Bill 500, the “Protecting Consumers from Unreasonable Credit Rates Act.” In effect, this bill would eliminate payday lending and most all other forms of short-term lending in the U.S.
Senator Durbin’s bill applies to all forms of consumer credit (with the exception of bounced check/non-sufficient funds fees and some installment loans). It is intended to restrict the availability of credit to working, middle-class Americans.  The Payday Pundit opposes this bill, not only on behalf of the millions of payday advance customers and tens of thousands of employees of the industry, but on behalf of all hard-working Americans who need access to short-term credit and the people in various credit institutions that serve those needs. 

Posted in industry, regulation0 Comments

Stimulus bonus on the way

You can find out here if you’re getting any.

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Senate action today on credit cards

From the story:

Renita Jablonski: The Senate Banking Committee today will consider a set of consumer credit protections. The economic crisis is putting new momentum behind regulations that lenders aren’t too happy about. Marketplace’s John Dimsdale has more.

John Dimsdale: The Senate bill would prohibit universal default. That’s when trouble with one credit card ends up raising the rates on all the cards in your wallet.

Linda Sherry is with Consumer Action:

Linda Sherry: And we think its terribly unfair the fact that the card in question, on which you may not even have been late once and have been paying as agreed, can raise your rate because of that.

But credit card issuers say the Senate’s restrictions will hinder their ability to charge borrowers for the risk that they may not pay back their loan.

Yes, the Payday Pundit points out the high cost of bank fees.  However, there will be unintended consequences to passing a law on credit card rates so the Congress should just let the market work.

Posted in alternatives, federal legislation, industry0 Comments

Gibson guitars pawned

That’s just not right.  I beg readers, don’t buy someone’s Gibson guitar at a pawnshop.  Let it stay there until the owner can reclaim it.   There’s no better guitar for playing the blues so the owner will definitely need it back.

Posted in alternatives, industry1 Comment

Coming down hard on Chase

The New York Attorney General has teeth.

Posted in alternatives, industry0 Comments

99% of people want peace on Earth

Obviously, we’re just making that up.   But we’re about as accurate as a new Center for Responsible Lending poll about interest rate caps.  These people have no shame.

Posted in Center for Responsible Lending, industry1 Comment





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