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“…a strong sentiment among voters….”

August 31, 2008 | Bill Faith, COHHIO, Columbus Dispatch, Ohio, customers, employees, industry, industry critics, media coverage, states | Comments (1)

That what the 400,000 signatures represent.  The Columbus Dispatch story is here:

“This effort was a great opportunity to hear from Ohioans, and it’s clear from this massive number of signatures there is a strong sentiment among voters that politicians need to stop killing jobs and financial choices in the state,” said Bridgette Roman, legal counsel for Dublin-based Checksmart and a lead member of the payday coalition.

A “no” vote on the issue would allow lenders to continue charging a 391 percent annual interest rate ($15 per $100 on a two-week loan). A “yes” vote would limit lenders to a maximum 28 percent plus a $15 origination fee on a two-week loan. The fee difference on a $300 loan is $45 versus $18.

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1. dt - September 2, 2008

422,000 PEOPLE WOW just goes to show how polititcians in this state are not doing the will of the people.Widner and jacobson look pretty bad right now cause they never expected the publics anger over this unwanted piece of legislation.SERVES THEM RIGHT and Bill Faith explain 422,000 signatures you advocate of the people???????And for these guys to say that people arent smart enough to read and understand the ballot language STOP TRYING TO MAKE OUR DECISIONS FOR US ITS OUR CHOICE