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Ohio alert! Signatures to be delivered on Sunday

August 29, 2008 | Ohio, customers, employees, industry, local issues, regulation, states | Comments (1)

For immediate release:

Friday, August, 29, 2008


Ohioans For Financial Freedom

 Makes Announcement on Signature Collection Efforts

Vote No on Issue 5


Who:                Ohioans For Financial Freedom (committee of Ohio citizens, consumers and businesses).



What:               An announcement regarding the status of signature collection efforts and campaign to inform Ohioans their financial choices will be taken away, along with 6,000 good-paying jobs.


Where:             Ohio Secretary of State’s Office

180 E. Broad Street

Columbus, Ohio

(outside /4th Street side)   


When:              Sunday, August 31, 2:00p.m. – 2:30p.m.


Why:                Delivery of signatures to qualify for the Nov. 4 ballot giving Ohio voters the opportunity to

                        Vote No on Issue 5.


Visuals:            See Ohioans deliver box after box of the thousands of signatures to the Ohio Secretary of State. 




Ohioans For Financial Freedom circulated petitions in Ohio with summary language approved by the Attorney General. A Vote No on Issue 5 will:

Repealing Section 3 of H.B. 545 means protecting 6,000 good-paying jobs with benefits, protecting Ohioans’ financial freedom and protecting consumers’ rights to privacy about their personal financial choices.  


To certify for the ballot, 241,365 valid signatures from 44 Ohio counties is required to be filed by August 31.



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1. Chris - August 30, 2008


THIS is why I love this country!