Tag Archive | "petition"

Let Ohio vote!

It didn’t take 241,365 valid signatures to put over 6,000 hardworking Ohioans out of a job and shutter over 1,000 tax-paying businesses.  Payday lending opponents know that Ohioans prefer to make their own financial decisions, which is why they are using whatever low and underhanded tactic they can to contest the petition.  For the third time this morning, whining and moaning about signature gathering.

Posted in Ohio, regulationComments (3)

Why so scared?

The Payday Pundit really wonders why COHHIO and other anti-payday lending forces in Ohio are so afraid to put Issue 5 to a vote.  I bet they have a feeling they will lose, which is why they keep on trying to derail efforts to let Ohioans decide in the polls.  Ohioans and Americans in general don’t like being told what they can and can’t do.  Making your own financial decisons is as American as apple pie.


Posted in Ohio, personal finance, regulationComments (0)

More unfounded allegations in Ohio

According to this story,

A letter has been sent to Bill Faith, executive director of the Coalition on Homeless and Housing in Ohio, seeking evidence of alleged election law violations. The letter reads:

“Vague allegations of election law violations serve only to undermine the entire electoral process,” he wrote.

Kim Norris, spokeswoman for Ohioans for Financial Freedom, said the hundreds of circulators around the state have been extensively trained. She added, “If anyone has any actual evidence that something was said incorrectly, we ask that the circulator’s name be obtained, and we will take swift action to investigate and remove the employee if necessary.”

So…let’s see it…where is the evidence?

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