Tag Archive | "Ohioans for Financial Freedom"

32 flavors and then some

I was at the grocery store last night and took a spin down the bottled water aisle.  I counted over ten different brands of water. TEN! That was just for still water, not fizzy fancy mineral water or ultra pure distilled or raspberry flavored “performance” water…just plain old water that you can get for pennies out of the tap.  Why does my grocery store carry ten different brands of plain old water?  Because consumers like choices, they might like the image that goes with drinking a fancy French fizzy water, they might choose bottled water over a soda or their tap water might taste like bog water (as mine does) and prefer drinking water that has been purified elsewhere.  In the end, no one forces consumers to buy bottled water, but if they want it the option is there.

That’s what Ohioans for Financial Freedom are fighting for.  You don’t have to take out a payday loan if you don’t want to.  There are alternatives, someone with an unexpected expense can take a cash advance on their credit card, ask their employer for an advance on their payday, ask their family for help, they could pawn a valuable item, some credit unions offer loans or they could just go ahead and pay overdraft or late fees.  These are all perfectly good options, as is taking out a payday loan and that option should remain available to those that want it.

Posted in alternatives, OH CRL, OhioComments (0)

More support in Ohio

Ohio Grocers Association Supports Ohioans For Financial Freedom To Keep Ohio Jobs and Consumer Choices

COLUMBUS, OH – The Ohio Grocers Association today gave its endorsement for the efforts of Ohioans For Financial Freedom to repeal section (3) of H.B. 545 saying the legislation goes too far and will hurt Ohio grocers and consumers.

“The national credit and foreclosure crisis has had a detrimental impact on our already struggling economy. While we applaud the Ohio Legislature’s intention to curb that impact, by passing H.B. 545, we do not feel that eliminating funding sources for consumers is the way to solve the problem,” said Tom Jackson, President/CEO of Ohio Grocers Association. Jackson stated that his association members’ customers who have responsibly utilized the services of the payday lending industry may have that financial option eliminated in a future financial pinch. “If payday lending businesses cease to exist in Ohio, which is likely if H.B. 545 is enacted, OGA’s members could be hurt through an increased number of bounced checks, fraudulent checks and even theft. We have many grocers who operate in underserved areas of the state, areas that could experience an even greater impact by the loss of additional lending choices, choices that should be made by each consumer, not by the government, said Jackson.”

 The Ohio Grocers Association believes that the regulated, reliable short-term funding source for many Ohioans should remain intact as to prevent additional hardships on Ohio’s small businesses that they clearly don’t need –especially with the current economic challenges. The potential loss of 6,000 payday lending jobs and their loans could ultimately result in lost business for everyone in the community.

Founded in 1899, the Ohio Grocers Association is located in Columbus, Ohio. The Ohio Grocers Association is committed to the well being and progress of the Ohio food industry and its members. Our purpose is to represent the membership through legislative and regulatory efforts with an effective government relations program, to be the resource for industry education and communications, to work with industry partners and alliances to best serve the membership, and to operate as a professional income generating business dedicating its resources to the membership.

Posted in Ohio, positive media coverage, regulation, UncategorizedComments (0)

Let the voters decide

You know what the great thing is about a democracy?  Each and every person gets to have their say, make up their own mind and choose.  Sure, Alexis de Tocqueville and Federalist Paper #10 warned about tyranny of the majority, but with the checks and balances that are in effect in this great country and in the wonderful state of Ohio, the majority vote on payday lending will be significantly more legitimate than the authoritarian move the Ohio legislature made in passing HB 545. 

But that’s not even the best part, in this country we have a strong live and let live ethic.  What might not be good for the goose is great for the gander.  In today’s Delphos Herald, Fourth District Representative Matt Huffman describes why he voted for financial choice, even though he doesn’t think payday loans are always the best idea:

“I voted against it because I think, in some instances, it’s a product people want to have available. I don’t see a lot of difference between these loans and what happens with credit cards where people get a $5,000 line of credit and pretty soon, they’re maxed out and at 19 percent, can never pay it back. Let’s be clear: this is a bad option but it may, at times, be folks’ only option. If they need to make a child support payment or they have a medical bill or some doctor says you have to have $150 up front before he’ll see you. There are different cases where this is appropriate and most people pay it back on payday.”

Allow the voters to educate themselves, form their own opinion and vote on the matter.  Give democracy a chance!

Posted in Delphos Herald, OH CRL, Ohio, regulationComments (0)

Ohio Chamber of Commerce Backs Financial Choice, Jobs and Competition

Ohio Chamber of Commerce Backs  

Ohioans For Financial Freedom

To Keep Jobs and Consumer Choice

COLUMBUS, OH – The Board of Directors of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce has given its support to Ohioans For Financial Freedom saying imposing overbroad government regulations is not the way to revitalize Ohio’s economy.

“The Ohio Chamber champions free enterprise and economic competitiveness and we believe HB 545, as passed by the Ohio General Assembly, runs counter to our mission”, said Andrew E. Doehrel, president and CEO of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce.  “This new law, if not reined in by Ohio voters, will drive an entire industry and 6,000 good-paying jobs out of our state.”

If HB 545 goes into effect it means the loss of nearly $300 million to Ohio’s economy including $172.6 million in annual employee payroll, benefits and payroll taxes, $76.8 million lost in rent revenue to landlords across the state, and $23 million lost in advertising vendors. In response to this legislation, most of the major payday lending companies have announced they will close stores in Ohio putting as many as 6,000 jobs with benefits in jeopardy.


“As we strive to turn around our economy we must allow the free market to meet consumer demands and facilitate the creation of much needed jobs”, said Doehrel.


With 1,600 stores in the state, consumer demand for short-term credit is clear. Payday advance fills a need not met by traditional financial institutions and is a convenient, less costly option for short-term, unsecured credit.  Removing access to reasonably-regulated storefront payday lending will force consumers into more expensive, and possibly even less-desirable, alternatives. 


Ohioans For Financial Freedom is working to repeal section (3) of HB 545 offering consumers more lending options.


Founded in 1893, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce is Ohio’s largest statewide business advocacy group. The Chamber works to promote and protect the interests of its members – large and small – while building a more favorable Ohio business climate.

Posted in customers, employees, Ohio, positive media coverageComments (1)

Breaking News from Ohio

Committee Calls on Bill Faith To Retract False Statement


Columbus― The Committee of Ohioans For Financial Freedom today demanded Bill Faith immediately retract completely false allegations he made about circulators allegedly paying two individuals $1.00 to sign a petition, or face serious legal actions.


“The Committee has investigated this allegation of two homeless individuals allegedly being paid $1.00 for their signatures and found it to be completely false, and so we have asked Bill Faith to immediately retract this false allegation, and any references to it on his website or any other website maintained by his organizations,” said Ohioans For Financial Freedom’s Kim Norris.


In a letter to Bill Faith from William Todd, representing the Committee, Todd says, “The Committee has diligently investigated this allegation and has determined that it is completely and utterly false and without any foundation in fact.  As you are acutely aware, the Committee did not obtain the Attorney General’s certification of its summary of the law to be referred until late in the day on July 10, 2008.  Consequently, allowing time for the printing of the petition forms, circulation of the Committee’s referendum petition did not begin until July 12, 2008.  It was, therefore, impossible for either Mr. Schirmer or Ms. Smithers to have signed the Committee’s referendum petition in June, let alone to have been paid for doing so.”

The letter points out that the Committee was required to collect at least 1,000 signatures for each of its three preliminary petitions submitted to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General for their certifications, all of which were submitted to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General on June 9, 25, and 27, 2008.  The Committee reviewed the signatures collected for these preliminary petition efforts, and discovered that no signatures from Butler County were collected for any of these three preliminary petitions. This is consistent with the Secretary of State’s certifications for the Committee’s three preliminary petitions, all of which indicate that no signatures were submitted from Butler County for any of the preliminary petitions.  So, neither Mr. Schirmer nor Ms. Smithers signed any of the Committee’s preliminary referendum petitions.

Also, the Committee has reviewed all of the part-petitions and signatures collected thus far from Butler County and neither Mr. Schirmer’s nor Ms. Smithers’ signature appears on any of the Committee’s part-petitions, at least through August 12, 2008, the date this allegation was made.

Ohioans For Financial Freedom is currently circulating petitions in Ohio with summary language approved by the Attorney General. It:

  • Repeals section (3) of H.B. 545 offering consumers more lending options
  • Allows for short-terms loans to be made under H.B. 545

Repealing Section 3 of H.B. 545 means protecting 6,000 good-paying jobs with benefits, protecting Ohioans’ financial freedom and protecting consumers’ rights to privacy about their personal financial choices.

Posted in Bill Faith, local issues, Ohio, regulationComments (0)

More unfounded allegations in Ohio

According to this story,

A letter has been sent to Bill Faith, executive director of the Coalition on Homeless and Housing in Ohio, seeking evidence of alleged election law violations. The letter reads:

“Vague allegations of election law violations serve only to undermine the entire electoral process,” he wrote.

Kim Norris, spokeswoman for Ohioans for Financial Freedom, said the hundreds of circulators around the state have been extensively trained. She added, “If anyone has any actual evidence that something was said incorrectly, we ask that the circulator’s name be obtained, and we will take swift action to investigate and remove the employee if necessary.”

So…let’s see it…where is the evidence?

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