Tag Archive | "Ohio Grocers’ Association"

More support in Ohio

Ohio Grocers Association Supports Ohioans For Financial Freedom To Keep Ohio Jobs and Consumer Choices

COLUMBUS, OH – The Ohio Grocers Association today gave its endorsement for the efforts of Ohioans For Financial Freedom to repeal section (3) of H.B. 545 saying the legislation goes too far and will hurt Ohio grocers and consumers.

“The national credit and foreclosure crisis has had a detrimental impact on our already struggling economy. While we applaud the Ohio Legislature’s intention to curb that impact, by passing H.B. 545, we do not feel that eliminating funding sources for consumers is the way to solve the problem,” said Tom Jackson, President/CEO of Ohio Grocers Association. Jackson stated that his association members’ customers who have responsibly utilized the services of the payday lending industry may have that financial option eliminated in a future financial pinch. “If payday lending businesses cease to exist in Ohio, which is likely if H.B. 545 is enacted, OGA’s members could be hurt through an increased number of bounced checks, fraudulent checks and even theft. We have many grocers who operate in underserved areas of the state, areas that could experience an even greater impact by the loss of additional lending choices, choices that should be made by each consumer, not by the government, said Jackson.”

 The Ohio Grocers Association believes that the regulated, reliable short-term funding source for many Ohioans should remain intact as to prevent additional hardships on Ohio’s small businesses that they clearly don’t need –especially with the current economic challenges. The potential loss of 6,000 payday lending jobs and their loans could ultimately result in lost business for everyone in the community.

Founded in 1899, the Ohio Grocers Association is located in Columbus, Ohio. The Ohio Grocers Association is committed to the well being and progress of the Ohio food industry and its members. Our purpose is to represent the membership through legislative and regulatory efforts with an effective government relations program, to be the resource for industry education and communications, to work with industry partners and alliances to best serve the membership, and to operate as a professional income generating business dedicating its resources to the membership.

Posted in Ohio, positive media coverage, regulation, UncategorizedComments (0)

Ohio Chamber of Commerce and Grocers’ Stand Behind Payday Lenders

The Columbus Dispatch reports on the Chamber of Commerce’s position:

The chamber said the new law, House Bill 545, imposes overly broad regulations that are “not the way to revitalize Ohio’s economy.”

“The Ohio Chamber champions free enterprise and economic competitiveness and we believe HB 545…runs counter to our mission”, said Andrew E. Doehrel, president and CEO of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce. “This new law, if not reined in by Ohio voters, will drive an entire industry and 6,000 good-paying jobs out of our state.”

“As we strive to turn around our economy we must allow the free market to meet consumer demands and facilitate the creation of much needed jobs”, Doehrel said.

And the position of the Ohio Grocers’ Association:

Later in the day Tuesday, the Ohio Grocers’ Association also joined in support of payday lenders. “If payday lending businesses cease to exist in Ohio, which is likely if H.B. 545 is enacted, OGA’s members could be hurt through an increased number of bounced checks, fraudulent checks and even theft,” said Tom Jackson, association president and CEO.

Posted in Columbus Dispatch, media coverage, Ohio, positive media coverageComments (3)





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