Tag Archive | "market demand"

The more, the better.

Here’s a story from Mississippi about a new payday lending alternative.  The Payday Pundit thinks this is great.  The more choices consumers have when it comes to short-term financial products, the better!  However, because you’ve come up with an alternative doesn’t mean you should replace existing products.  Let the market work and let consumers choose which product they like better.  There is one thing in this announcement that makes this pundit think that this new loan will not replace payday loans outright:

There are no fees to participate in the BankPlus program, but a credit check is required, and the credit score affects the loan amount for which a customer is approved. Customers also must complete a financial literacy program before they receive the loan and they receive credit counseling once they are approved

One reason people take out payday loans is because there is no credit check required.  Imagine if you’re a busy person and need money today, something tells me you won’t have time to receive credit counseling before you need the money.

Posted in alternatives, MississippiComments (0)

Great comment

One of the comments in response to this Denver Post op-ed raised the old canard about payday lenders “targting” certain neighborhoods.   This was the next response:

 ”Payday loan companies pop up in markets where there is demand for them. Using your logic, I guess I could say that BestBuy pops up in my neighborhood to prey on those that can afford to purchase TV’s.” 

Posted in Colorado, industry, statesComments (0)





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